The Eyes have it!

Tentatively stepped out of my comfort zone to go Christmas shopping! Oh my God! You would have needed eyes in the back of your head. The idea was I would bring the manbeast with me to collect the heavy chair I had bought then dump home home so that he and youngest daughter could go off together. Well my best laid plan went awry almost from the start and I kept losing him in bloody Sainsbury s . My late mother always said that when she went on holiday with my dad, she saw a tiny proportion of the country and the remainder looking for him. History repeats itself so there I was in PC world. Hubby in his pillar box red jacket passed me by in the next aisle. Good I thought, five minutes and he's still within slapping eyesight. Half a blink later and he's flaming vanished quicker than Houdini. This is the point where you leave your shelf Browsing and turn into Agatha Christie super sleuth. Finally I locate him and drag him out lest I comit murder.
Home still in Glasgow but I'm heading for the vino red out of sheer exhaustion. Tomorrow I definitely go out alone

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