
I was all set to head out to catch the sunrise again this morning but it was pouring with rain when I woke up at 4.30. Such bad luck Wombat you'll have to go back to sleep for a couple of hours!! I did venture down to Turners Beach at around 6.00am and the seas were ferocious.

I was determined to practise some long exposure images and was surprised when this popped up on the screen. The power that this image evokes is quite awesome I think and it was my favourite from a lot of fairly ordinary attempts.

It was lucky that I had set my tripod up right next to a shelter shed and when the rain came in bucket loads I was able to keep my camera dry (and me as well). It was a sensational experience to stand there and watch the sea as it came thundering in and crashing against the rocks. I just hope we get another storm the next time we're in Yamba.

To hear the Thunder click here if you dare!!

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