tempus fugit

By ceridwen

Day of clouds

Today the clouds took centre stage. It was impossible to look at anything else really although there were curlews and egrets and all manner of wading birds along the estuary, and cappuccino froth on the glassy sand and a huge heap of green fishing net that looked like a beached sea serpent. But the towering, illuminated heaps of cumulus riding in on the wind were compulsive viewing. I took a series of pictures until my fingers grew so cold I could no longer feel to hold the camera safely. You can see some more of them here.

There's a delightful TED talk by Gavin Pretor-Pinney who founded The Cloud Appreciation Society, called Cloudy with a Sense of Joy that I strongly recommend. He illustrates how clouds act can act as reflections or projections of our moods, emotions and fantasies, and how watching them allows us an aimless, idle pastime that removes us from the narrow horizons of our goal-directed lives and our constant close attention to small screens and small details.
As clouds drift, our minds drift, and as our eyes follow them so our (in)sight is extended.

I'm grateful for the sympathy and suggestions regarding my qualms about the upcoming changes to Blipfoto. Apologies for not (yet) responding to everyone but I think I'll be here a while longer - if only for curiosity's sake!

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