tracks of life

By dpofarre

box? day 2

i must say i am stunned i've been able to take this photo today. i never in my wildest dreams thought this product sample would make it back home.

continuing the journey from yesterday, i checked out of the hotel in narita, and onto the airport. i was fully prepared for another day of questioning and crazy mishaps, but luckily found neither.

the lovely pregnant girl at check in was so helpful - typical japanese hospitality. she didn't really question the product, just reviewed my paperwork and figured the rest would shake out in security screening i suppose.

you'll notice this is a new box from yesterday - courtesy of her. she left her post to find a new box for me to put the product in, left again to find a supply of bubble wrap, insisted i wrap the product (not fragile at all by the way) carefully, and was even after some more packing material to product the contents before i stopped her. we (she insisted she help) taped the box tightly and sent it on its way. domo arigato!

arrival to the us was even smooth. at the customs checkpoint, i breezed through, while a gentleman in the line next to me was being heavily questioned about his box - he was having more of a day one experience.

of course, you'll also notice the tsa tape. this seems to be the new inspection method in the states - they don't ask much of you at the line - rather they wait until you've checked your contents back in and simply rummage through them on their own. this is how i've lost many a tool from my kit when traveling through usa security.

overall, a relatively tame ending to what i thought would be an exciting sequel to day 1. anyway, i'm exhausted, and off to south africa on wednesday, so i'm fairly glad it all went smoothly in the end.

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