Santa Rosa Creek

I admit, we Californians are weather wimps, but last night was a rain of biblical proportions. The front slammed into the North Bay in the middle of the night. The wind blew in gusts of up to 80 mph. The rain poured down steadily all night and is still coming down. The creek across the street roared. Drainage ditches and culverts filled up and overflowed. Trees fell bringing the power lines down with them. Schools were closed.

We were fortunate. Our power stayed on, and we only had a minor leak which David came by and fixed (bringing with him some excellent beer made by his son). OilMan's rain gauge filled up and fell over and refilled again. Traffic everywhere was very light because people heeded the warnings not to go out unless absolutely necessary.

Will drove Peter to high school only to discover when he got there that classes had just been cancelled, so he had to drive home again. Peter reported that one road was "Lake Superior". I was supposed to drive to Berkeley for my book club Christmas party, but I stayed home and made gingerbread houses instead.

Ozzie was coerced into going up to the vegetable boxes with OilMan, but went into the shed and watched from there as OilMan removed the shredded covers from the frames, and cleared the drainage ditches.

The only time I went outside today was to go down to the creek and take this picture. I took the same picture from the same place last week when the trees in the middle of the torrent were on dry land.

The wine supply is holding up….

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