A Life of Laughter

By nlw_93

Turbo Time

Rory brought a new toy with him from his work today in the shape of a turbo trainer, which is pretty cool. We've spent the evening setting it up in the living room and taking turns to give it a spin. I shall definitely be using it tomorrow whilst on a study break as it's been a while since I've been on a bike of any kind. I'm wondering how long it will be before I am shelling out for a road bike as I've been tempted a few times over the past couple of years.

Todays has been spent solely on exam prep, making notes and turning them into mind maps for 3 of the 6 topics that could come up in my exam next Friday. Kirstin, bless her heart, spent a good hour explaining bioethics to me over Facebook. I don't know how I would get through uni without her to moan to all the time! Our second last exam session to get through and it will all be over.

I spent my study breaks having a catch up on the phone to Dad and giving the cottage a quick tidy up. It's been exceptionally cold today and there was a little snow this morning but nothing that's settled. Dad seems a little worried about me getting back to Dundee due to the crazy winds that have been going on across the country.

I made enchiladas for Rory coming home and we ate whilst snuggled on the sofa watching an episode of Breaking Bad before we set up the turbo.

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