What can you get for....

£6.40? Quarter of a Christmas tree? Some half decent crackers? Half a breakfast at Waitrose?

Well yes to the latter but also a trip across the Severn Bridge into Wales. £6.40! That is crazy.

It's been a very long day with 400+ miles driven, a 3hr walk around the 'Big Pit' and alot of 'hello boyo'. I enjoyed my meeting in the valleys but I haven't been as cold for a good couple of years. I was the 'southern pansy' as I donned my PPE outfit (including my scarf) and went about my business but I did feel sorry for the guys that have to endure these conditions everyday - one chap remarked that this was quite a warm day as the wind and rain battered us...

My only highlight of the day as I hit the sack to get up equally as early to get to Birmingham tomorrow? It was free to come back into England...

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