
By OzGeoff

Droplets 101

Well what does one blip on another wet day? I had a meeting at 7pm and hoped to grab my blip on the way to it but the weather was just wet and nothingness so decided to do something indoors after the meeting. Well the agenda was a long one so didn't get home to well after 9:00. Then dinner - my wife is very patient. I have been wanting to try some droplets for a while so why not give it a go! The result is not great but for a first attempt I thought is adequate. :)

I had a rewarding day; three years ago I helped a boy at the local school with his reading and next week he finishes primary school to head to High School. Today I saw him in the playground and he came up to me and said, "Geoff thanks for helping me with my reading" and gave me a big hug. He told me how now he enjoyed reading books from the local library. Very special!

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