Prawns....Sad News

In my humble opinion it was well worth trundling down to the break wall at 5.00pm in time to watch the sunrise at Yamba this morning. I must admit for one milli-second I did consider turning over and having another hour or two in bed but thankfully my adventurous side won out.

For about half an hour there was only me and a lone fisherman who was casting his rod about 100 metres from where I set up the tripod. It was just a magical time and I've just spent quite a lot of time selecting the image I want to blip today. In the end I settled for this one because really I got such a surprise when all of a sudden this huge golden ball started emerging from the clouds on the horizon and I was able to enjoy something quite wonderful.

Sadly the prawns have to wait until tomorrow as late this afternoon we were confined to barracks until just a few moments ago by a massive electrical storm. CCN really believes in "Delayed Gratification" so I guess I'll have to be patient for a few more hours. I know what I'll be dreaming of tonight.

My brother Al reminded me yesterday of the fantastic holidays we had with Mum and Dad when we were growing up. They often revolved around prawning, crabbing and fishing. I still remember the fantastic feasts we would have after a successful visit to the Estuary in Mandurah to catch crabs as the sun was setting. Great times and great memories.

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