High View

A reasonable sleep and I got up to darkness, hung around and then took Juno for a walk at Achfary. We checked with the estate that they were not shooting on our hill of choice.

Lots of deer on the steep ascent which Juno took an interest in. A shieling at the path junction which had a max/min thermometer on the wall. The views to the hills and sea lochs opened up as I reached the summit, a raven soared and showed off on the top.

In the desert of quartzite the conglomerate peak stood out red in the rising eastern light. The eroded rock gave a beach of pebbles and eroded rock art.

A return journey of increasing light.

Back to Shorehouse and after lunch some creel lifting. We had time to do the prawn creels, lots of squatties and a few prawns. It was dark when we headed back to shore the empty and lonely pier lit by the boat lights, the empty houses lay dark.

Lovely tea and chat.

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