Not Porty People and Places

The last tailor in town ...

Today began by returning the wedding outfits to Horace Barton in Cheltenham. A family run bespoke tailors that also sells "off the peg" menswear and ski outfits. The two elderly tailors who work on the first floor are nearing retiring age and when they are gone - the service they provide will go with them. An effort to recruit replacements from The Middle East, looked good on paper, but when put to the test in the desert the standard was found severely wanting.

It is sad that such expertise is being stitched into the history books by CAD and CAM in sweatshops on the subcontinent and in the far east.

The wintry sunshine of Gloucestershire was quickly replaced by the Atlantic storm bomb clouds and rain and then sleet as we drove north to Edinburgh. We chose the east coast and found more shelter there from the very high winds and snowfall on the higher ground on the west coast route into Scotland.

The A1 comes right into Joppa and makes the final part of the journey really convenient.

Great to be home after such a happy family wedding at the weekend and a business trip to Geneva.

Two very busy days of home based business begin here tomorrow.

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