Miss R Able

By MissRAble

Dig it? I dig!

After three days on the shore we went to Copenhagen and Christiania today.

Christiania is a "Freetown" in Copenhagen since 1971 and I hadn´t been there since the seventies... There has been a lot of discussions about it and a lot of battles... The politicians want it for sale on the open market but the inhabitants not. They say: The Freetown Christiania wasn´t, isn´t & will not be for sale! There´s a lot to say about it but I won´t here and now...

I will link to flickr later on when I have uploaded my many pictures from there and from Copenhagen...

But until then I hope you´ll dig this!

Now I´ve uploaded some photos from Copenhagen and Christiania. Here you´ve got a link too, if you want to read a little about The Freetown...

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