Getting Desperate

I've only just realised that it's Christmas in two weeks time and not three ... So my mild panic has just stepped up a notch ... and I'm now in a state of moderate panic ... (level 5 on a scale of 1 to 10) ...
I'm always panicking, of course, but it just varies in tempo ... Between now and Christmas it will probably rise from moderate to severe ... or maybe even extreme ... However, I guess 'nightmare' would be the maximum ... go beyond that and I'll get sectioned ... :o)
Meanwhile, I will try to keep posting my blip on a daily basis, but already I am starting to fall behind on other, more pressing obligations ...
So please bare with me if my comments and replies are kept to a minimum ...
In the meantime, here's my latest blip ... taken in a rush by the bus terminus in St Peter Port this morning ... :o)

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