My Long Term Memory

By marinakari

Marin joulukalenteri, 9th door

We Finns count down the 24 days before Christmas by using Advent Calendars.
I haven't got one for myself this year, so I decided open my own Advent Calendar here in Blip.
So today I open another door of Marin Joulukalenteri:

Today we went to the countryside to pick up small table top christmas tree.
It was not late hour, but as there were no streetlights, it was totally dark for human eye. Luckily I had prepared for it and used head torch to locate perfectly crooked midi spruce from our country cottage's yard. There are such a gigantic spruces in the forest treeline that baby spruces are plenty around.
After the tree was snached out with roots and packed in a car trunk we made a wee stroll around with camera. Lot's of stars were visible as the light pollution is less there, but as you can see, the main road is still giving that orange hue to the sky.

We didn't stayed too long, as My Girl has catched a cold a bit. I even held her out of school today to have a proper rest. I think it helped and tomorrow she is most likely going to school again.

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