Let it go?
I’m starting to wonder if I should find another form of exercise. It seems to be one thing after the other at the moment with running injuries and maybe the time has come to start thinking about it.
You all know how much I love running, how much it’s defined me as a person for the last few years. I started running about 6 years ago and 4 years ago decided, rather arbitrarily, that I wanted to run a marathon by the time I was 30. Of course I did that back in 2011 and didn’t look back.
After my fourth marathon I got these bird tattoos on my back. One bird for each marathon. I got birds after being inspired by a Martin Luther King Jnr quote (and I took a literal interpretation of that):
“If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.”
Running made me feel like I was free, nothing could touch me. The birds symbolise that freedom. Running transformed my life at a time when I really needed it; the discipline and the happiness it brought meant the world to me.
I left space so I could get more birds if and when I ran more marathons. I always thought I would. But it’s starting to look less and less likely now. I feel as though my body is trying to tell me something. Perhaps my body just isn't meant to run. Perhaps it’s time to let it go.
The birds now also have a deeper meaning. You keep moving forwards even when you can't do things the way you want to. You find another way. Running doesn't have to define who I am anymore.
I’m not talking about stopping running completely, I could never do that. But it can't be everything anymore - my injuries have meant that it hasn't been for a while now. And yet I've been clinging on to it. It's difficult but now is the time to move forwards instead of looking back.
(Sorry for the outpouring, but you might have guessed I'm a tad emotional just now!)
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