My Left Eye Is Right

By tantemoe

Can She Hold Out?

We have confirmation!

A visit is happening soon and we will have a great time.
Sister and Boy will come to see their family in Amerika:-)

Now, I went to Trader Joe's per a blipper I viewed and read yesterday.
For the life of me I can't recall who. But I do know I saw Limoncello and it was mentioned by another blipper where it could be found.

In my search for the limone di Italia I found Grappa also!

Can I hold out and keep bottles closed until Sister arrives?
NO! Can't! & Won't!
It is my Birthday next Monday so I will have to have something to celebrate Me!
oops- going to Red Lobster with Dad and Stepmom and having a Bahama Mama.

Oh well,
She likes something else anyways;-)

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