A Glimpse of the Elusive Mini Bunzini

In mid-September, my husband and I discovered a tiny rabbit living in our yard. I named the rabbit Mini Bunzini, and we have enjoyed watching the little fellow's antics: soaking up some sun after a chilly night, chewing on a great big leaf.

My husband has become very attached to the rabbit, and likes to spend time in the early morning and around dusk sitting with the rabbit in the yard. Sometimes my husband takes out carrot tops as rabbit treats. I don't think I am imagining it: the rabbit actually comes to his call. Two weeks ago, my husband reported this news: he put out some carrot slices for Mini Bunzini, and suddenly a CHIPMUNK ran in, grabbed a carrot slice, and disappeared down its hole!

And strangely enough, the voles have started coming out too. (Maybe they like carrots also?) They are cute little black critters that look a lot like mice. But they dig holes all through the yard, which doesn't endear them to my husband. One day, I found my husband sharpening a big stick, which he told me he planned to use to kill the next vole he saw. This was the conversation which ensued.

Husband: I have to kill that vole!

Me: But what if the vole is Mini Bunzini's only friend? If Mini-B sees you hurt the vole, s/he may never trust you again!

Husband: But . . . you should SEE the mess it's making of the yard!

Me (somewhat sternly): The vole is PROTECTED!

All tiny rabbits grow up eventually. In our stories, we often refer to Mini Bunzini as a boy rabbit when talking about him. However, that may or may not be the case. And eventually, as rabbits are included to multiply, or so we've heard . . . we may welcome additional bunnies to our yard and grounds.

Me: Well, when spring comes, you might go out one day and find that Mini-B is ready to introduce you to a whole parade of little bunnies. There you'll sit, surrounded by bunnies of all sizes . . .

Husband (with a suddenly stricken look): But what if Mini Bunzini is a GIRL rabbit!? Don't you think I ought to be given some sort of input on her potential suitors.

(Since then, I have threatened to buy my husband a t-shirt with these words on it: "I am the father of a teenage rabbit.")

And so it goes. :-) On this particular morning, the weather was chilly and overcast and I followed my husband as he rounded the azalea hedge. He spoke a few quiet words. And suddenly, out hopped the elusive Mini Bunzini, star of stage and screen and Internet, very nicely camouflaged against the leaves.

To my left sat the rabbit, peacefully nibbling on some grass. To my right my husband hunkered down in the yard, whispering endearments to the rabbit: "Who's the best rabbit? Who's the BIGGEST rabbit?" Peace reigned: one man, one rabbit. And all was well with the world.

The soundtrack: James Taylor and Carole King, You've Got a Friend.

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