Grebe family feeding 2
Today was rather windy and mid afternoon the chicks were sleeping on a nesting pallet. One parent was floating and dozing and supervising. When the other parent arrived with a fish it first communicated with the supervising parent then the fish was offered to the near chick who did not respond, so the parent went right round and offered it to the other chick. A slow wake up, then, an enthusiastic acceptance, head up and swallow. A few moments later the adult was off presumably to fish some more. While chicks and supervisor settled back to doze again.
One of the locals made several of these floating platforms and moored them mostly at the end of each branch of the wharf. The design has gradually been modified especially after one nest was washed away in a storm. Now most have netting and an upright on one side. They are also on the sheltered lee side of the marina.
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