Wearing purple...

By 60plus10

Mono Monday: Home...

...from the Lakes, via Newcastle and a trip to see Auntie Joyce.
It has been rather a long day, hence the late posting - we sorted out a new Digibox for her, made her DVD player work again as if by magic, and I helped her write her Christmas cards while Roy went out and did some shopping for her. When he got back we decorated her room for Christmas before falling into a local pub for a meal before the journey HOME!!!
It was nice to be back after the weekend celebrating my big birthday in the Lakes, and waiting for me at home were the rest of my cards. As you can see, a lot of my friends felt the need to underline the magnitude of the number, and others were plainly cheeky! It was nice to be cosy at home again...
Thanks to Skeena for hosting again.

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