Advent Calendar Door 8: A Christmas Elf?

Today in my Blibfoto Christmas Advent Calendar 8th door you can see the prince of my dreams standing at our daughter's door step. And I guess, the photographer has a bit diagonal walls here.... <3

Nice portrait of him, I think.

Tomorrow our daughter will have her theory excamination for the driving license and he was chatting about that at her door, as he has day off and is going to take her there in the afternoon.

Her driving school has been ok this far, only few driving lessons to be done any more - and The driving test after that. Even if she'd pass all excaminations straight on the first try, I am not sure if she is able to get her driving licence before xmas...

Daylight time is quite short already here, only 5hours 37minutes light time.
Sunrise at 9.28am and sunset at 15.25pm.

The difference between amount of light in summer and in winter can be seen in this videoclip, that has timelapsed here in Tampere - takes few minutes. Interesting???... :)

I'll go out now and have a short walk outdoors, to the night. So, we'll see you later!


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