Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR


Adam has taken the day off school today to prepare for his university interview tomorrow. He was sitting in the armchair in the study sleeping working and I liked the light coming in through the window behind him, so despite his protests I took a quick shot of him.

It is useful he was home to be my blip subject as I have not had much time to go out today, I am catching up on chores at home, especially the ironing...Gavin coming back from a week away and Luke arriving with a huge suitcase full of dirty washing means quite a bit of ironing. I don't mind, as Luke has coped so well with his own laundry for these past 3 months that I prefer to do his laundry now while he prepares for his interview.

Last night we went to the first carol service which was lovely. We sang my favourite carol 'O Come O come Emmanuel', and the choir sang a most beautiful carol which I had never heard before 'Sans day carol' which is a 19th century Cornish one. I got goosebumps in the last verse of 'O come all ye faithful' when the trumpets played and the trebles sang the descant, always a favourite moment for me. I could have happily sat through the second carol service too, but Gavin was not keen and I was rather hungry so we went to pizza express for a quick supper while we waited for the boys to finish the second service. Which is your favourite carol?

Tomorrow I am taking Adam to Cambridge so hopefully I will take some photos there.

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