Newcastle life

By Puffling


Gibside is an 18th century country estate and landscaped garden in the Derwent Valley (Gateshead) managed by the National Trust.
The buildings are now mainly ruins, except for the beautiful chapel (built in 1760), some stables and a banqueting hall which is not open to the public.
The highlight is the one mile tree lined walk between the chapel and the column to liberty. So today we put on our wellies, warmest winter coats and hats and walked through the leaves. It was freezing but lovely clear blue skies.
There are 18 miles of walks through the woodland so had a walk then visited the bird watching hut and saw an impressive amount of birds. Unfortunately my camera was out of battery so I only had my mobile phone to capture these 2 pheasants fighting with a woodpecker on the bird feeder.
Birds seen today:
The impressive red kite,
Blue tits,
Great tits,
Coal tit.
It was great to see so many types of bird. I'll have to return with my camera soon. I was especially happy to see the red kite as I've never seen one before.
Afterwards we went to visit my nanna in South Shields and went to Colmans for fish and chips.

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