a town called E.

By Eej

The Murmuring

We come back from quick trip to the store and found a cloud of starlings in the street behind ours. There was much screeching, and a few small groups were dashing from tree to tree. I had no unobstructed view when they all of a sudden became quiet and took off - but was VERY lucky they landed in a group of trees in our street, just a bit further down the road. I stood there, with freezing hands (too rushed to think about gloves) hoping that their next take-off would be a good one.

It was.

It was also so fast and furious and final that this was all I could get. Two, three shots and they were so high they were little black dots.

The silence they left behind was oppressive, almost.

I kept looking up for a long time, hoping they'd swoop down again, but they were gone. Wow. Just wow.
One day I hope to see a swooping, shaping murmuration. Until then, this will tie me over :)

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