Cutting It Fine

I’ve been away off island for a couple of weeks now so when looking to come back today the last thing I wanted were risks of cancelations. However, not only were the ferries on alert (could be cancelled at short notice) but also the weather was forecast to turn decidedly wintery. Well it was all pretty calm for the first couple of hundred miles but then the white stuff started to appear. A couple of “interesting” moments but we made safely to the Corran Ferry, only 30 miles to the Lochaline Ferry with getting on for two hours to do it? No problem, just take it easy over the high pass… hmm, easier said than done. The line of cars made it as far as this pass and then spinning wheels and slipping and sliding in any direction apart from up the hill brought our little convoy of 5 cars to a complete halt.
No worries, has anyone got a rope? No? Oh, has anyone got a shovel? No? Oh, anything to scoop the grit out of the bucket with? No? Err, I feel a Christmas shopping list coming together!
Eventually with a bit of teamwork we got everyone through as well as the next few cars that got stuck waiting for us to clear a way through. Right, moving again, great, but will we all make it to the ferry after spending so long playing in the snow? Only just, but yes, phew! (although you probably guessed that having seen the picture!!)


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