Here there and everywhere

By digitaldaze

Tea Corner

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A latish start to the day after the ball last night. We wanted to go to the International Christmas Fayre (after missing all the other ones - The Swiss Club's, the German School's, and the All Saints Church one). I was sure this one was on till 5.30pm, but it was all over and all the stalls had been dismantled when we arrived at 3.30pm! I'd intended to go into school for a couple of hours, but we succumbed to a late lunch/early dinner at Hanna's Korean restaurant in Zamelek and so I just decided to get up early on Sunday morning and do the work before going into school.

This tiny corner is the premises of one of the little tea-making businesses in Zamelek. Tea is made and then delivered by young lads on trays to shop owners and workers etc in the area.

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