Marsh Rabbit
Busy day today, so I only had time for a quick sortie over to Lake Seminole - but, lucky me, the first thing I saw was this little Marsh Rabbit. This is the third time I've seen one, twice at the same place. I was able to get exactly three shots before he melted silently into the undergrowth. This was the best of the lot, and I was happy with the focus on the eye, and the overall composition. So, blip in the bag.
Which left me time to wander for a bit, snapping shots of this and that. I saw my first armadillo - unfortunately, it was dead. It did not appear to be wounded so I'm not really sure what happened - he was just dead along the edge of the lake. Maybe old age? No pictures as that goes against my personal rule of never posting photos of dead creatures. But, it was still interesting to see.
I posted a mono landscape HERE on Flickr - if you have a moment to take a look and give me some feedback, I'd appreciate it very much. I am still trying to understand mono photography - my eye sees color and I find it very hard to convert to b/w.
Hubs and I went out and got our Christmas tree today - a six-foot nobel fir - and it smells heavenly! We'll put lights and ornaments on it later this afternoon and then it will start to feel more like Christmas, I think.
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