
By Instography


Even though the 7.45 cycling was off I only got to lie in until 8.30 and then it was up and out to get the car from Inverkeithing. A lovely cycle in the snow/sleet. And then home for a quick breakfast and present opening (wood and bicycle related, including Level 6 gloves, whisky, of course, chocolate and the complete manual of sewing techniques). And I'm not sure which should trouble me more - that Mandy bought me a old man's checked bunnet or that I really like it.

Then we headed out for a long-overdue chat and wander with the Moff, with the occasional token photograph thrown in. Home, homework (Ewan's - peace - the rise and fall of the Berlin Wall), dinner and bed for the weans. An ancient book about whittling for me. And a beer, of course.

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