By AlAinL

Endangered Species Convention

At the moment the CITES conference is taking place in Doha.

CITES = Convention of Internaional Trade in Endangered Species

Today I attended a briefing on this topic:

Can we save the tiger?
Are rhinos on the same road to extinction?

I learnt some frightening facts.

There are only 3,200 tigers left in the wild. And one is being killed every day.

In Zimbabwe there are only 750 black and white rhinos, and the poachers are getting more and more sophisticated. The demand is not going away. There are 26,000 rhinos in South Africa, but poaching is a growing problem.

The CITES law enforcement chief says they are seeking to get an inernational law enforcement body in place to deal with environmental crimes.

We don't have long to save the tiger.

They need space (which is being violated by humans) in order to breed in the wild.

To learn more, visit
cos I can't seem to do a blip link.

Let me try again one last time here.

Ha! Yay! Success :

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