
By teribirch

Three Baby Bays

I had a lovely bay tree in the middle of my herb garden which succumbed to the frosty wet winter about 3 years ago. It was replaced with a large one in a pot in a south facing corner at the front of the house. These three are a support act which now need repotting and shaping into ball shapes. It's on my list of spring jobs. I need a steady supply of bay as it gets used a lot in cooking. I tend to use it fresh in bouquet garni but CH dries the discarded ones and uses them in his famous curries.
Did get out this afternoon having duly fleeced up and just cut back and weeded in the Dell. It was freeeeeezing cold! I wondered if my dell design had been a good idea as you need to be a mountain goat to weed it and the path at the bottom of the slope is quite muddy after rain so has to be avoided. But I do just love it down there and what's an obstacle or two?? As a friend of mine says - obstacles are those crazy things you see when you take your eye off the goal.

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