Northern Exposure

By Northern

A theatrical day

It started with a screening of the Old Vic's production of the Crucible at our local cinema. It's one of my favourite plays and I thought Campbell would enjoy it. Wasn't 100% sure though, always a bit of a gamble introducing something you enjoy to your kids... but I had a hunch that he would appreciate this play. He did, loved it. Thought it was intense and really got the different levels of the plot and characters as well as the political and social aspects.

Then it was home for an afternoon nap, picking up the xmas tree on the way, before heading up to town in the evening for theatrical experience number two... the Panto! It was great, silly and fun and colourful and the total opposite of the Crucible. One of Campbell's mates was part of the comedy duo. He was superb, really funny and very accomplished.

A great day! Totally shattered at the end of it.

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