Two candles

I grew up in a very small place and street lights back then were scarce so I have very vivid childhood memories of walking the few streets arm in arm with my friend to see all the candles lit in the windows on the night of December 6. Two candles each window.

Here's a copy from wikipedia to explain part of the symbolism and why it eventually became part of the Independence Day tradition in the early years of independence. Though two candles had been used even before to mark different occasions. But why is it always two, I don't know. Today I read it might just have been well suited to the traditional window styles.

"It is traditional for Finnish families to light two candles in each window of their home in the evening. This custom dates to the 1920s; but even earlier, candles had been placed in Finnish windows on poet Johan Ludvig Runeberg's birthday as a silent protest against Russian oppression. A popular legend has it that two candles were used as a sign to inform young Finnish men on their way to Sweden and Germany to become jägers that the house was ready to offer shelter and keep them hidden from the Russians."

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