With mountains like these

By Sollergirl


Convinced all would be well, I used Ben as human crutch and made it to the plaza. Mich gave me these lovely tulips and I had a coffee with her and the lovely Jay, thanks girls for the company.

It took forever to get home and I realised I was not going to be able to sit in the car to get to the party in Sa Rapita, so Agu took my offering of sushi and the boys and I called them later to say Happy Birthday to Ursula.

Marisa and Arron came round later in the evening to cheer us up with a Chinese takeaway, very relaxed and lovely to see them have a bit of down time. I don't think we were fantastic company though, Agu is a bit sore (Another story) and I'm a grumpy old moan still. But it is fabulous to have friends who don't seem to mind.

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