Wanderings & Witterings

By IvarBlipS

River Devon

I'm due to lead a walk with the local Ramblers' Group next Wednesday (10th December) and need to a recce of the route beforehand. Unfortunately, I didn't leave myself enough time on Wednesday - partly due to the fact that I have a cold and my energy levels feel a little depleted - but decided I'd take a trip out in the car and walk a short part of the route around Rumbling Bridge.

And so I drove up to Rumbling Bridge, parked the car and walked along the footpath through the Gorge and beside the River Devon to Crook of Devon. Then it was just a matter of retracing my steps to the car. The full walk 'rehearsal' can wait until Thursday when, hopefully, I'll feel a little more upbeat.

This photo was one of several that I took of the River Devon while following the path from Rumbling Bridge to Crook of Devon. I suspect there may be more of the same on Thursday!

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