Times Of My Life

By CarolB


And behind the door on my personal calendar today? Tufty the red squirrel.

I coughed for two solid hours before bed last night, and then for at least an hour when I went to bed. Woke up at 7.30am, coughing again, so as I had not done the cards that I promised I was going to, I thought I was just as well to get up and get on with it.

G was still gently snoring, sleeping off the excesses of last night, so I sneaked downstairs, made a nice strong coffee and got stuck in.

About 3 hours later, I happened to glance up and spotted movement in the horrible Leylandii trees next door, which we have chopped and macerated! I thought it was a cat at first, then realised it was the red squirrel who is an infrequent visitor to the garden.

I managed to get the camera out of my bag (thank God us blippers always have a camera or phone to hand!), but had to snap him through the kitchen door as I didn't want to scare him away. This is well zoomed in, and not good quality, but isn't he a cutie? He was stuffing his wee face with bits of twig, which G tells me he was going to take away for making a cosy wee nest. Clever little chap.

I got most of the cards done, and then we took a trip into town. Visited the stepson in the Tattoo shop he works in - Inkredible Kreations. First time I've ever been in a tattoo place, and it was really nice. Clean, bright and warm. Managed to pin him down to visiting us on Christmas Day after he finishes his other job in a pub. (So that's us up to 7 folk squeezed round a tiny table now!).

Then we took a walk round the town, checking out the market stalls. I had a lovely big chilli bratwurst, and G had a dish of fried potatoes, onions and ham. Mmmmmm. Would have been tempted to have a glass of Gluhwein, but our new drinking laws mean that even a very small glass would have put me over the limit, so I had hot chocolate instead. Not too much of a hardship!

Home again, and I have at last finished writing 70 Christmas cards, 2 birthday cards and one Wedding Anniversary card. Hooray!!

Should have been at my daughter's birthday party in Burntie tonight, but this blessed cough put me off going - it's so embarrassing when I start and just can't stop.

I'm away to watch the final of I'm a Celebrity now, with that glass of wine at last.

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