
A frosty start to the morning, which then turned into the most gorgeous crisp, sunny day! Perfect weather for a drive down to Wells in Somerset to take part in a Christmas Wreath workshop at The Bishop's Palace, a stunning medieval palace that has been home to the Bishops of Bath and Wells for 800 years. The palace is currently hosting a Winter Festival, with whicker reindeer guiding you along the path to the entrance.

After a slightly chilly al-fresco lunch, and a wander around the market, I spent the afternoon creating a Christmas Wreath, using foliage from the palace grounds, and berry-laden holly from the Bishop's personal garden!

I shall save my wreath to show you another day. In the meantime, can you spot Rudolph?

(Just discovered something strange about blip! I decided I preferred a second shot of Rudolph and his friends so I edited my blip entry for today. But if you click on LARGE you still see the original photo, strange!! Two blips for the price of one!!!)

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