O Tannenbaum

I had a blip in mind for tonight, the children sat under the Christmas Tree, sadly, Wom is still full of cold and was fast asleep on daddy's lap when I was taking photos. I snapped this of Munchie as she was watching Charlie and Lola, I just loved the light around her.

Wom had an grotty night, due to his man flu cold, but we got through it, emergency calpol was deployed at 4am, but we all slept till gone 6am which is considered a lie in, in this house.

Ballet completed, somehow got there way to early again, think one of the clocks in the house must be fast! home via the croissant shop and then daddy went off an adventure to get the Christmas Tree. Never in the history of Lee and I have we ever had the tree up so early, but Munchie seems so excited so it would be unfair to not get it up.

Went to one of Munchie's baby groups 3rd birthday party, such a lovely traditional party with games and singing. I was amused that Munchie was one of the first to sit down each time there was a game of Pass the Parcel.

Home, decorated the tree. Had to let Mucnhie help which was quite tricky! I have not moved a SINGLE bauble since she finished the tree. Those of you that know me will know how hard this has been for me.

Off on the Santa Express tomorrow, Lady Pride, will understand how I feel about being excited for an adventure but worried that it is not going to be what I want it to be!

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