Sydney Opera House - Massive Attack !!!

Just in from seeing Massive Attack at the forecourt of the Opera House......They were amazing !!! So amazing in fact I totally forgot to take any pictures of them !!! This shot was taken looking away from the stage, looking back towards the Opera House ( obviously )

I have never seen them before & they really didn't disappoint.....I would normally say more but it is very late & I need to go to bed......there are a few others here

Maria Topley Bird supported them & sung on quite a few of their songs & was also excellent !!! I kinda liked the ghostly shot of her on the Piccasa

Unfortunately I only had the Iphone & the old Cannon Compact with me (which I think is on its last legs) as I was told no SLR's would be let in....even though I saw loads of people snapping away with them.....ahhh well at least I enjoyed the gig instead of watching it through a camera !!!

Edit: I've just changed the picture, it didn't look to great big.......Its now ghostly Maria Topley Bird.......Night Blippers !!!

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