
By Freyjad

Through the Woods

I was at the garden centre this morning to buy a tree - one of their first customers as I didn't fancy the busy rush that's an odds on cert today. I've got an artificial one, but I think it will look very nice.

Rather than go straight back home I stopped at Fixby Wood for a quick walk; I haven't been there for a few weeks and the difference is amazing. It seems much bigger now the trees have lost their foliage and I got that "if only" feeling. It seems whichever lens I have with me it's not the one I need, but I balk at always carrying heavy lenses everywhere I go; but today I really could have done with my wide angle.

There's only one thing to do of course - go back there with the wide angle, only then of course I'll probably have the wrong lens with me. :-))

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