Chicken Licken

One of the first books that I can remember being read to me was the story of 'Chicken Licken'. I couldn't yet read but it was read to me enough times that I learnt to recognise the words. I can't really remember the story except that it was something to do with sky falling in.

I suddenly thought of that this evening when I happened to look up at the ceiling in my bedroom. Some curious synaptical spark linked the sight of the curious bulge that you can see in the photo with that old memory of the Ladybird book.

I've no idea what's up there in the attic, incidentally. The bulge has been there all the time I've lived here but I've never gone up into the roof of any of the rented houses I've ever lived in. I suspect that's a result of watching 'The Hunger' at an impressionable age!

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