All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

For the next Grandchild

As usual, my "day off" was pretty busy.

After dropping Ethan at school, I crammed in lots of Christmas shopping and the weekly shop before heading home where Foreveryoung and Eden were waiting for me.

I then looked after Eden while Fireveryoung went back to the hospital for another scan. We picked up Ethan them hotfooted it to his football class. Soft play after that, then over to my colleagues house to pick up her daughter to take her with me for our monthly eyebrow wax. Hubbie wasn't back from work yet so the kids had to come too. Eden in particular was most intrigued to watch me having mine done.

By the time we got home and I made dinner, it was 7pm. So Eden and Fireveryoung ended up having an impromptu sleepover!

Granny and Grandpa arrived just as the kids had gone to bed. We finally settled the kids down and vegged ou on the sofa for the rest of the evening. Granny is making a pressie for Foreveryoungs baby bump, just as she did for Ethan and Eden too.

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