Tick Tock

I saw some clocks when I was browsing on Blipfoto earlier today, reminding me that I haven't blipped this rather ornate clock. As the weather is damp and chilly, today seemed to be a good day for an indoor blip...a good day for the clock.

As far back as I can remember, this clock kept time on the sideboard in my parents' dining room, dinging away the hours day and night. I think it came from my mother's family, so possibly from Germany. It was a piece both of them treasured. Locking up the house every night before going to bed always included opening the clock and reaching inside for two keys: one to wind the clock and the other to wind the chime. Then they would gently close the door until its latch clicked, turn out the lights, and head up the stairs to bed.

Today, people living in (most of) the USA turned our clocks ahead one hour so we can enjoy Daylight Saving Time from now until October. So I opened the little door on the clock, positioned the hands, wound it up, and now it is steadfastly ticking away the hours from its place on top of our piano, just as it has done for four or more generations of my family. I treasure this little clock, just as my parents did before me. I think they would be pleased.

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