Lynn Chadwick: High Hat Man and High Hat Woman.

It was damp start to the day with an enjoyable walk into Cheltenham town centre and an appointment for a Thai massage. This was excellent and sorted out the aches of recent weeks.

My Brother in law suggested a visit to The Wilson art gallery and museum if time allowed, after a welcome hot chocolate, it is really cold down here, a member of staff let me into the WW1 room which was quite interesting with drawers of postcards from that era. Downstairs these two pieces of Sculpture are on show, John worked for the Chadwicks years ago, something to do with plumbing or heating, he was bowled over with their home and life style, so very different to our own.

From the internet
Lynn Chadwick was a prolific artist throughout the 20th century and the display of High Hat Man and High Hat Woman at The Wilson is a celebration of the centenary year of the artist’s birth.

High Hat Man (1968) and High Hat Woman (1968)
Cast in bronze and over two metres in height, the sculptures create a striking presence in the atrium space. The works date from the late 1960s, a period when Chadwick was exploring finish variances in his work, and both sculptures include areas of highly polished surface achieving a warm, golden sheen. This technique offered Chadwick a new, more colourful dimension to his work which visitors are able to enjoy in the intimate setting of the atrium space. The display also, as always with the atrium, offers a unique opportunity to view the sculpture from above – an unusual and privileged perspective.

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