This morning I felt slightly less like the walking dead first thing than I have recently. So much so that I actually opened the curtains when Jae was getting ready to leave for school and noticed a pretty sunrise. So I trotted out in PJ's and Dressing Gown and took some photos. My teenager was not embarrassed at all, lol!
Today is mine and colleague Munir's least favourite day at work. It is usually mad busy, which isn't a problem in itself. No, the boss works with us today and it's like working with Jones from Dad's Army! He flaps and causes chaos. He tells us to do one thing and changes his mind as soon as we start doing it, or tells us to do things that we were about to do off our own bats anyway!! Or I'll be serving someone and instead of just taking the next customer's order he'll start meddling with the one I'm doing instead.
He also talks ridiculous rubbish to the customers - the same ridiculous rubbish over and over again! If he asks £10 for a carrier bag or scrumps (Both free!) once a night, he asks it 50 times. Or to keep the change!
Still on work, my shifts will change next week - temporarily at least! I will work Thursday Friday and Saturday. It will be good as it will give me four consecutive days off per week, but I will be doing the three busiest days. I will want to change it by the start of the rugby season though as it's those three nights the matches are on TV. It also means I will only get to visit my folks twice a week too. But I may be able to get a bit more done in my house, and have a day that doesn't have set-in-stone activities on it! Swings and roundabouts I guess!
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