Gentle Hands

Each of our seven Grandies have their own tree ornament with the date of their first Christmas printed on it, as each Grandie was born off Nanna would go in search of these tree ornament.
Our older Grandies, Keely 13, Koen 11, Jaxon 10 and 9 year old Jacob are old hands at hanging their ornament on the tree, Ruby who turned 3 this year hung her tree ornament on the tree by herself this year with no help from her 6 year old big brother Deklan who had just put his on the branch he chose.
Here is Ruby holding her ornament as if she had held it for the first time.

Lucy our new baby girl born just a few months ago, her first Christmas, she has her tree ornament too which Jaxon her big brother put on for her the other day, it hangs next to his ornament almost touching the star on the top of the tree, side by side.
They all hang exactly where they placed them until the tree comes down, but that's not for a while yet..

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