
By philmorris

Near Offchurch

Lunchtime ambling, I took advantage of the tiny car to pull in at a layby serving a GPO box just outside Offchurch. Boots on and away, I climbed the hill towards the vicarage repeatedly presenting my hand to my brow to shade my eyes from the sunshine beaming straight at me. At the next stile I reached the parkland annexed to Offchurch Bury, and so began my irregular hither and thithering for something that might look nice. I naturally disregarded the tarmaced road which bisects hereabouts and to my frustration, found whoever had been responsible for planting the trees had failed to consult with a photographer. Moving around backward and forwards, as the left side of a foreground tree cleared the flaying branches of one behind, so it's right side would become entangled somewhere else. And this was the way of things for much of the 30 minutes I spent here.

My short expendition having taken me way off, now at the furthest boundary, I noticed an inviting, open entry to another field I found more to my liking.

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