twinned with trumpton


Pre Storm Calm

Up at 0630; straight into it. Washing on, laptop up and running, laundry put away. Breakfast and into work mode by 0700.

Strange sky as I dived into report writing, but never fully materialised into anything.

Usual phone calls and texts, and then after a quietly efficient morning, I dived out to Lidl, via the washing line.

But got sidetracked by a bunch of skips around the back of a factory. Endless blip possibilities. As I was pushed for time, did a bunch of hurried stuff to look at and figure out how best to do the shots; then Lidl with a big smile on my face.

An afternoon similar to the morning; and as I write this, the light is fading and my working week is nearly done. My thoughts are now shifting to sausages and mash, bed time stories, writing homework and hair washes.

**Update** The lure of yellow remains strong, it would seem...!

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