horns of wilmington's cow

By anth


Just as I was about to go to bed (after a night of fixing / not fixing a couple of issues on a couple of the bikes; applying for a couple of jobs; contacting a couple of agencies; finishing a little bit of writing) this big dog fox shows up at the back door. I've not had a lengthy encounter with the local foxes in a while - I've seen plenty, but this chap was content to stare back at me rather than scarpering at the first sign of movement.

Thursday stretches out ahead, with regular checks of the tracking page of UPS (new camera coming...) and trying to remember which packages I've ordered from which websites to go to which addresses in advance of Christmas. I've taken to separate lists of tasks in a little Moleskine notebook. Managed to cross four things off last night. Aiming for at least one thing off each list each day (there are 5 lists) - we'll see where it gets me...

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