Derelict Thursday, Handyman Special

This afternoon Marie and I went to see the Surgeon again, the results of the MRI,CT Scans and Blood Tests were in, at the Surgical meeting this morning Marie's file and pictures were discussed amongst the Specialists and Oncology group. They are in agreement that Marie has Bowel Cancer. Marie is now going to have intensive Radiation treatment which will be over 5 days rather than the 5 or more weeks. 10 days after the Radiation Marie will have surgery to remove the intruder and then hopefully her Bowel will be able to be reattached to her rectum. The great news is it was found early and we will have a successful outcome by about September next year. Marie's Surgeon is really positive and encouraging as is Jill the Cancer Nurse, this will be the start of meeting some wonderful and special people. Tonights image is of the side of a building that has a Garden Centre attached to it, in Real Estate terms Handyman Special is needs some work and lots of money, Needs Work is more money and work must be undertaken by a builder. Doer Upper means if you cough, breathe or Blow off the building will fall down around your ears and has probably been condemned. I am pleased we now have a prognosis and Marie and I can get on working on getting Marie better, Your wishes and support is getting us there, all I can say is Thank You from the bottom of my heart.

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