
By Splashie

Grumpy the Golden Wyandotte

Grumpy and her sister Sweetie were hatched by Auntie and Grannie 7 years ago. 3 eggs out of 4 hatched - the other one was Charlie Brown the rooster. Not allowed to keep roosters in town...so when he got to crowing age each night I picked him up and he had a very comfy and warm house in the garage - each morning(after crowing time) I put him out again. This went on for months until I found a home for him in the country with 60 girls. All his christmas's came at once.... however one night two years ago he fell off the perch....worn out I guess. I still remember how much I missed him when he went to his new home....Meanwhile Grumpy is beautiful but completely fixated on food. The morning mash is spread between 3 containers because while there are only 6 hens now, Grumpy has a full time job at breakfast chasing the others away - though she can't manage to control 3 eating sites she still tries hard... it's great to lean on the gate in the morning and watch her at it...I think she might be a bit dense still trying after all this time !

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