madwill's world

By madwill

Fungus Fingers

Waiting in for deliveries again - and they have all turned up today!

Spent the morning bottling another batch of beer - should be OK for Christmas and New Year now :-)

Managed to get for our walk between deliveries - if you have ever had stuff sent by DPD they are great - you can track where the van is and get an ETA - there was a 2 hour window so we popped out for 90 minutes.

I had spotted this fungus yesterday but struggled with light and a flash mounted on my SLR - the long lens was casting a shadow!

So I took the macro lens today and hoped that the sun would provide enough light - which it did.

It is in a different place to the one I blipped on Monday, but I wonder if it is a slightly more developed specimen of the same species - I will have to go back to the the first one to check!

Go LARGE to see the spores.

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